Strengthening Local Churches in Atlanta and Beyond


Who We Are

The Greater Atlanta Baptist Network is a network of churches strengthening other local churches to reach Atlanta and beyond with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to see pastors cared for and encouraged. We want to see our healthy local churches grow by being theologically-minded and gospel-focused. We want to see more and more churches being planted and revitalized as we trust the Lord to build his Church in Atlanta and beyond.

Supporting Churches

GABN seeks to support local churches by caring for and encouraging pastors. We want to be a resource for other churches whether that’s through financial support or through monthly fellowships with other pastors.


In everything we do we want to be focused on the gospel, the Biblical message of a crucified and risen savior. The gospel means everything and is the only hope for our city. We desire to see more churches place their focus on the gospel.


We care about theology. We want churches in Atlanta to grow in their love for theology becuase we believe that theology leads to doxology! Theologically-minded churches are churches that stand on the authority of God’s Word.

Church PLanting & Revitalization

Atlanta needs churches. God is accomplishing his redemption of the world through local churches. We pray that God would raise up more church plants, new congregations in areas without churches, and church revitalization, old churches with new life.


Join the Network

The Greater Atlanta area is in desperate need of healthy local churches seeking to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. We come together as local churches supporting one another in this task and trusting the Lord to build his Church in our city. Will you join us in this mission?


Understand what we believe as a network of churches. We stand united around the authority of God’s word and the power of the gospel.


Meet other pastors & build relationships through our monthly Pastors Fellowships, our Annual Retreat, & our Annual Meeting.


Ready to join the network? We would love for you to fill out an application to be a part of supporting local churches in Atlanta and beyond.