Retreats, Fellowships, & Annual Meetings


Annual Pastors Retreat

Each year GABN hosts a retreat for Network pastors and church leaders. The retreat is designed to equip, encourage, and help pastors get to know one another better. We spend time praying, sitting under the Word, discussing the nuts and bolts of church ministry, and relaxing together during this brief respite.

Pastors Fellowship

Pastors have the unique privilege and responsibility to teach their congregations the Word of God week in and week out. But that’s not all they do. They counsel, they visit, they evangelize, and they disciple. We want to provide opportunities for pastors to meet, pray, and discuss issues pertinent to their roles as under shepherds.

Annual Meeting

Every Fall GABN meets to conduct the business of the Network. We host a dinner for GABN pastors and their wives, welcome new churches, elect new officers, approve a budget, and bring member churches up to speed with the activities of the Network. Click the button to see the date for the next Annual Meeting.